The following are sage words of wisdom that have caught my attention from meetings over the last week or so. I will also throw in my thoughts on them.
Cannot allow alcoholism to become aa-ism. You must live life on life terms – You obviously cannot ignore life. It is going to come at you regardless of what you do. You can’t hide at meetings 24/7!
My life is different and the terms are different
At ease not diseased drinker – I am not sure exactly how I feel about this one. We are diseased, but we are definitely at ease!
Serenity is in direct proportion to your expectations – I love this one. If you don’t walk into a situation with expectations, whether high or low, it is so much easier to maintain your serenity!
My needs are the same, my wants are different – This one is great too. My needs definitely haven’t changed. I still need a roof over my head, clothes, family and friends, etc. However the things I want most definitely have changed. I want peace and serenity. I want sobriety. I want to feel God’s grace.
Gave it up to God, not guy next to me – I think this one is true for everyone. Give your problems and defects over to God not the person sitting next to you.
The only meeting you are late for is the first one – So very true. Even if you are 30 minutes late, you will get something out of the meeting.